@ Claremont Center for Spiritual Living located at 509 S. College in Claremont, 91711
Join Us Sundays for Our 12:30pm Service In-Person or Facebook Live
Welcome All
To a diverse, warm, socially engaged, open, and affirming spiritual community that has been serving the Pomona Valley since 1933.

Unity of Pomona
Where God is seen in All.
Where Problems become Gifts.
Where Science supports Spirituality.
Where Living from the Inside-Out is taught.
Where Love of Self and Others is encouraged.
Where the Divine has many names and no name.
Where Thoughts are understood as Powerful Things.
Where Tools are given to skillfully deal with all Emotions.
Where the Goal of Spiritual Study is Conscious Awakening.
Where Beliefs Evolve with Spiritual Practice and Experience.
Where Living in the Joyous Flow of each Now Moment expands.
Where Prayer & Meditation relax bodies and open minds and hearts.
Where everyone's Spiritual Gifts are honored, called out, and supported.
Where each of us has Opportunities to help Create a World that Works for All.
Where we learn from those of every Religious Tradition, and ALL are WELCOME!
Where separation dissolves into Oneness.

Unity Activities
Unity Church of Truth Pomona has been actively involved with the greater Pomona community since 2000. Our ongoing outreach has created a buzz in the media, and we’re really excited to share all the latest updates with you. Check out some of our recent headlines to catch up on everything that is happening in our community.

Seasonal Opening Hours
FYI: No Sunday Service on Christmas Day
Come Explore with Us on Zoom and Facebook Live
Monday - Spiritual Book Study - 5 pm-6 pm (Via Zoom)
Wednesday- Meeting Meditation/Prayer - 6:30 pm -7:30 pm (Via Zoom)
Friday- Office Hours- 2 pm-6 pm
Sunday: Facebook Live - 11 am - 1pm